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We recommend: Dallas Prop F for public safety facilities

Proposition F in the 2024 Dallas bond program would allocate $90 million for public safety facilities.
The bulk of this proposed borrowing, $50 million, is for the construction of a new police academy. The planned Law Enforcement Training Center will be built in partnership with the University of North Texas at Dallas and with the support of the Communities Foundation of Texas. There is no dispute the current facility is not suited for modern police training. Dallas needs to recruit, train and keep the best possible police officers. A new academy is necessary for that work, and the plan in the works will see the new center also be home to the Caruth Police Institute at UNT Dallas. The other major spending item here is for the construction of a new $16.8 million fire station just north of Love Field. The remaining funds are for necessary maintenance. Support for this item is support for a safer city. We urge a “For” vote.
Check out the rest of our recommendations in the 2024 Dallas bond election here.
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